Friday, May 31, 2024

Amaq News Agency photo report: IS West Africa SVBIED operation against African Union Forces in Borno State, Nigeria


Alessandra Ciffo

On May 30th, the Islamic State (IS) published on Amaq News Agency a 7 images photo report, showing the armed clash and the Suicide Vehicle-Borne Improvised Explosive Device (SVBIED) perpetrated by Abu Fatima al-Ansari towards the position of the Multinational Joint Task Force troops of the African Union Forces near Tomboma town, Borno State, northern Nigeria, happened on May 26th,  which dozens of them were killed and wounded, destroying and damaging 4 of vehicles. 

Through a deep examination of the evidence collected, the mujahideen, besides using the up-armored SVBIED, carried the armed assault against the African Union Forces with heavy and light weapons such as RPG-7 launchers, PG-7V rocket, 'Saegheh' rocket, W85 heavy machine gun, PK/Type 80 machine guns, and AKM/Type 56 rifles. 

Among IS supporters and militants, it has been spreading the word that the African Union

militias have been engaged for a few weeks now in a military counter-terrorism operation

against groups of IS mujahideen around the Lake Chad region.

Recently, the operativeness of the West Africa Province(ISWAP) has deeply increased the military operativeness throughout Northern Nigeria, especially Borno and Yobe States, enhancing the insecurity in those areas and the lack of trust in the Nigerian Army (NA) and African Union Coalition militias to attempt and measures to counter response and secure the Northern region.

Simultaneously, the IS wilayah is continuing to pursue its strategy to the establishment of IS administration systems in a few local government jurisdictions with taxation, legal,  and politics, which has been settled for several years now.

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