Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Amaq News Agency: Suicide car bomb operation against the central site of the PKK militia headquarters in Deir ez-Zor Governorate, Eastern Syria


Alessandra Ciffo


On May 11th, through Amaq News Agency, the Islamic State (IS) claimed responsibility for the suicide vehicle improvised explosive device (SVBIED) against PKK militia headquarters in Al-Shuhayl town, al-Busayrah, Deir ez-Zor, Deir ez-Zor Governorate, Syria, happened the day before, on May 10th,  in which dozens of them were killed and wounded, including vehicles’  destruction and damage.

Amaq News Agency reported that on Friday night, May 10th,   Wilayah Al-Sham Province - Al-Khair mujahideen named Abu Ibrahim Al-Ansari, after penetrating the PKK militia security fortifications and reaching its headquarters, detonated an IED set off on board his car, which led the killing and wounding of about 23 PKK members, the destruction and damage of various vehicles, besides the headquarters itself. The Amaq News Agency sources’ reported that during the suicide operation at the PKK headquarters, a few PKK militias were massively alert about the risk of a potential IS military attack.

Moreover, it has been stated that the motive behind this suicide operation is related to quoting” the recent PKK launched campaigns supported by the USA, against the families and women of Al-Hawl camp.” It  has also been observed that, recently, the Islamic State spokesman, Abu Huzaifa Al-Ansari,  expressed during his last speech a threat to the PKK in his latest speech, calling on  Caliphate mujahideen to take revenge for the female captives, urging them to assign “martyrdom fighters for this mission.”

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